Jerry Waldridge and Walter Centers hosted a June wagon ride at Walters
Lake View Farm in Lawrenceburg, Kentucy over the weekend of June 21-23, 2019. As has been the case almost constantly for the past few weeks, there was rain
predicted for the weekend. In prior years, that prediction would have caused many folks to stay home, but this year has been so wet that the threat of rain
didn't seem to deter many people. We did have a rain shower on Friday evening and there was a fairly heavy 2 hour rain storm on Saturday morning just
after breakfast which delayed our depature. We waited it out up in Walter's barn/shop and when we left for the ride, we had 7 wagons and one home built "golf cart wagon" (see photos).
The afternoon was somewhat overcast, but there was no more rain and the temps were only in the upper 70's. We returned to the farm at supper time and, as
usual, there was a great spread put on by our hosts.
We awoke on Sunday morning to sunshine and the threat of rain showers again. A few folks had to leave as they had other things to tend to, but once we had everything
harnessed and ready to go, we still had 5 wagons. Since this weekend was run on "Waldridge time," it was again late morning before we finally left. We took about a 10 mile ride
with several "camaraderie" stops along the way. Just like Saturday, there was no rain through the day to dampen our spirits. When we got back to Walter's farm about
4 PM, Tony Mobley broke out a cold watermelon to provide the perfect end to what turned out to be a really fine weekend!